Distance Learning Codes
Banner is the University's student information system developed by Ellucian. The following Banner codes and fields are used for distance learning and online courses.
Campus Code
Campus code "DE" indicates a distance learning class that is open to all students in the UH system regardless of the student's home institution and institutional student fees are not assessed and regular credit tuition is charged. If the class is offered in MAN, HIL, or WOA and enrollment is limited to students with a home institution the same as the class, "DE" should not be used as the Campus code.
Instructional Method Codes
An instructional method (IM) code should be entered for all distance learning and online courses on SSASECT in Banner. It should be used for all courses with the campus code "DE" and may be used with other campus codes for other distance learning classes. All regular classes offered on site at a UH institution should not have any entry in the Instructional Method box.
IM codes are used for IRO distance education reporting, to identify distance learning classes for financial aid purposes, and to determine whether or not certain fees are to be assessed. One of the three distance learning IM types (DCO, DIV, DTV) should be set to indicate the primary mode of delivery so that students in these courses are exempted from certain campus-based mandatory student fees (refer to policy EP6.208).
Addendum to Instructional Method Codes – June 20, 2022
DCO refers to a distance education course that is available to students at any location. This includes all distance learning courses for which the mode of delivery is through the use of personal computers or similar devices that access the Internet. DCO courses can apply to scheduled/synchronous and/or unscheduled/asynchronous approaches. The student is never required to visit campus or a UH site (e.g. for testing, instructional activity or orientation).
Considered DE for IPEDS reporting.
DIV refers to a distance education course offered to students in assigned video conference rooms at locations other than the offering campus. DIV courses may have additional instructional activities online (both scheduled/synchronous or unscheduled/asynchronous). DIV should be used as the instructional method code regardless of the section located at the offering campus.
DIV should be used even if the course is offered in HYB format, except for the section located at the offering campus.
DTV refers to a distance education course that is offered via cable television. A DTV course may also include live video streaming or video-on-demand (VOD).
Program Code
Fully Online programs are identified with "/D" at the end of the code. Hybrid programs are identified with "/H" at the end of the code. Program codes are granted through the UH Online and Hybrid Program Recognition approval process.
STAR is a program used by students to plan their graduations timeline, track their progress, and see completed transferred courses. The following STAR codes and holds are used for distance learning and online courses.
A course attribute is placed on courses part of a fully distance learning program. This allows students to only view courses associated to the program in STAR.