Hawaiian and Pacific Studies Certificate
Sample Schedule

Year 1

Fall Semester (9-10 credits)
HPST 304 Hawaiian-Pacific Traditions (Spring only) or HPST 365 Geography of the Pacific (Fall only) (3)
Choose HAW or SAM Language course (3-4)
Hawaiian Pacific Studies Elective (3)
Spring Semester (6 credits)
Hawaiian Pacific Studies Elective (3)
Hawaii Pacific Studies Elective (3)
  1. Program conducted totally online with some courses offered synchronously (where everyone is online at the same time) and some courses offered asynchronously (where work is done on your own time).
  2. HPST Elective
    1. Complete 9 credits form 3 different Clusters (Literature, Arts, History, and Contemporary Culture & Issues).
    2. Offerings will vary from semester to semester. Consult with Faculty Advisor.