Student Information

Academic Calendar

Online courses are taught either in the 5-week, 8-week, 15-week, or 16-week formats. The full semester and part-of-term (POT) calendars provide important dates and deadlines students should observe.

Academic Grievance

Students and faculty are encouraged to resolve their academic differences and disputes through consultation, mediation, and open communication. When these attempts are unsuccessful, policies and procedures are in place to address the academic concerns and set forth the process toward a resolution of the academic grievance.

Health Clearance

State of Hawaiʻi law mandates that certain health requirements be cleared before students can enter into postsecondary institutions. Students enrolled Fully Online or Distance Learning Programs that do not have any course requirements for on-campus activities are exempt from requirements for TB clearance and providing immunization records. However, if students participate in on-campus employment and or activities, health clearance is required.

International Students

Homeland Security regulations define an online or distance learning course as one that is "primarily offered through technology and does not require the student's physical attendance for classes, examinations or other purposes integral to completion of the class".

Completely Online and Distance Learning Programs

International students studying on an F-1 or J-1 visa inside the U.S. are not allowed to enroll in any of the fully online UH degree programs.

UH Campus contacts for International Students

For more assistance and guidance, contact your home campus (campus you will earn your degree from) International Student office.

Veteran and Military Connected Students

The University of Hawaiʻi appreciates the unique needs of our Veteran and Military Connected Students. Whether you are seeking to use VA education benefits or need information about the resident tuition rate while serving in Hawaiʻi, we encourage you to review the Veteran and Military Connected Students website for information about the policies and services designed to specifically support you.

Participation Verification

Students are expected to attend and participate in the courses for which they are registered. The University of Hawaiʻi is required, by federal regulation, to verify the participation of students in their classes. According to Executive Policy 7.209, students who fail to establish attendance by the late registration period will be administratively dropped from their class. Students may also be dropped from other classes that are dependent on the class where they failed to establish attendance (i.e. co-requisite or future class where the dropped class meets the prerequisite requirement).

Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

Student Conduct

It is a privilege to be a member of the UH community. This privilege provides the student with the opportunity to learn and to participate in the many programs that are offered. Along with that privilege, the individual is expected to be responsible in relationships with others and to respect the special interests of the institution. These special interests are fully set forth in the UH's Systemwide Student Conduct Code Policy (EP 7.2088).

Academic Integrity

The integrity of a university depends upon academic honesty, which consists of independent learning and research. Academic dishonesty includes cheating and plagiarism. The following are examples of violations of the Student Conduct Code that may result in suspension or expulsion from UH.


Cheating includes, but is not limited to, giving unauthorized help during an examination, obtaining unauthorized information about an examination before it is administered, using inappropriate sources of information during an examination, altering the record of any grade, altering an answer after an examination has been submitted, falsifying any official UH record, and misrepresenting the facts in order to obtain exemptions from course requirements.


Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, submitting, to satisfy an academic requirement, any document that has been copied in whole or in part from another individual's work without identifying that individual; neglecting to identify as a quotation a documented idea that has not been assimilated into the student's language and style; paraphrasing a passage so closely that the reader is misled as to the source; submitting the same written or oral material in more than one course without obtaining authorization from the instructors involved; and "dry-labbing", which includes obtaining and using experimental data from other students without the express consent of the instructor, utilizing experimental data and laboratory write-ups from other sections of the course or from previous terms, and fabricating data to fit the expected results.

Disciplinary Action

The faculty member must notify the student of the alleged academic misconduct and discuss the incident in question. The faculty member may take academic action against the student as the faculty member deems appropriate. These actions may be appealed through the Academic Grievance Procedure.

Student Consumer Information and Disclosure

The UH System Consumer Information and Disclosure website provides prospective and currently enrolled students, in compliance with federal regulations, links to specific consumer information managed by the UH System Office and UH campuses.