Faculty Spotlight

Learn online tips and tricks, strategies, solutions from these spotlighted faculty across the system who continuously find ways to engage their students and innovate their online courses! Watch their presentations from the UHOIC Webinar: Building Empathy and Strengthening Online Community with Students.

Coty Gonzalez

Coty Gonzalez

  • Psychology Instructor
  • Campus: Honolulu CC

Coty incorporates Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in his online course by providing multiple ways to express or demonstrate their learning.

Watch his Presentation (19:11).

Anika Gearhart

Anika Gearhart

  • Psychology Instructor
  • Campus: Leeward CC

Anika emphasizes the importance of empathy and community building in online courses using tools such as Padlet.

Watch her Presentation (13:14).

Susan Wood

Susan Wood

  • Professor of English
  • Campus: Leeward CC

Susan builds instructor presence and community in her online course through focused virtual office hours, frequent announcements, and peer review.

Watch her Presentation (39:57).

Share With Us!

Are you interested in sharing your online or blended/hybrid experiences with other faculty? Is there a colleague whom you would like to recommend as a faculty spotlight for their innovative and engaging teaching strategies? Please email your full name, email, and short message to uhoic@hawaii.edu and we will contact you!

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