Are you curious about what instructors felt went well or the challenges they encountered when teaching accelerated online courses? Since the launch of 5-week online course offerings at UH in 2019, survey feedback was obtained from instructors after each term.
The 2021 UH Online 5-Week Summer PD is in full swing! Faculty and instructional designers across the UH system are actively engaged in an online learning community exchanging ideas and strategies to design and develop meaningful experiences for their online accelerated students. These UH Online 5-Week Alumni Tips (compiled from qualitative analysis of feedback from the 2020 cohort) were shared at the launch of the 2021 PD.
Lawe i ka ma‘alea a kū‘ono‘ono. Take wisdom and make it deep. (#1957). After three years of cohorted offerings of the UH Online 5-Week Professional Development (PD) Program, we felt it was important to continually seek ways to improve. View our UH Online 5-Week PD Program Evaluation & Iterative Improvements poster (and abstract) to learn more about our program evaluation findings. A special mahalo to the UH Mānoa Curriculum Assessment and Support Center for providing us with the opportunity to grow our assessment skills.
Source: Pukui, M. (1983). ‘Ōlelo Noʻeau: Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetical Sayings. Bishop Museum Press.
Flexible accelerated online AA degree helps workers with families
This article from University of Hawai’i System News showcases how the UH Online 5-Week PD Program helps workers complete a degree on an accelerated pathway.