UH Online 5-Week Resources

These templates and resources have been developed in collaboration with various stakeholders across the UH system and continue to be revised and updated on an annual basis.


UH Online Laulima course templates have been developed to offer a base for instructors to work with during course design. Be sure to select the UH Online 5-Week Template on the Template Request form.

Course Map Template screenshot

Course Map Template

A Course Map template has been developed to provide a base for instructors to align the learning objectives and learning activities in their online courses.

  1. To preview the template, log into Google using UH credentials.
  2. Copy the template into your own Google Drive (File → Make a Copy)
  3. Note that this is a 5-Week course map template. Once you make your own copy, you can add more weeks or more SLO/LOs if needed.

Syllabus Template

Syllabus templates have been developed to offer a base for instructors to modify for their online course(s).

  1. To preview the template, log in using Google UH credentials.
  2. Copy the template into your own Google Drive (File → Make a Copy)
  3. Note that the verbiage below the University Policies and Procedures section is standardized verbiage aligned to UH Executive Policies.
Syllabus Screenshot
Laulima Template Screenshot

UH Online 5-Week Laulima Template

The Laulima course template provides a ADA compliant framework for your online course and aims to provide a simple, consistent layout and navigation for students.

Benefits include:

  • Consistency and uniformity to the course, including navigation consistency for online students
  • Applied best practices and speeds up development time
  • Flexibility for course modification
  • Individualized UH campus CSS style sheets that could be selected for each campus
  • Alignment with UH accessibility guidelines

UH Online 5-Week Shared Knowledge Base

This site was created to provide a repository of accelerated online course resources for online instructors teaching 5-week course(s). The resources will be continually updated and input from instructors on useful resources as well as feedback on what to include are welcomed.

  1. To view resources, self-enroll as a student in Laulima
  2. To provide feedback, email uh5week@hawaii.edu.
UH Online Shared Knowledge Base Screenshot

Frequently Asked Questions for UH Online 5-Week Faculty

This document provides the common FAQs for UH Online 5-Week Faculty. Please note that this is a working document and the contents will continue to be modified.