H5P I Mua Program

2024-2025 H5P I Mua Program Banner

Updates & Resources

Status Updates

9/25/24: Our 2024-2025 H5P + LMS cohort has officially kicked off this month! Mahalo to all the H5P I Mua participants who attended and/or volunteered as guest presenters at the H5P + LMS Orientation sessions on Sept. 12 and 13. The H5P + LMS Presentation (Google Slides, shared with program participants only) has been updated with Q&A (slides 66-69) and additional Resources (slides 64-65). 

Don’t forget to leverage the Quicklinks and Resources (to the right of this message), along with our UH H5P Community (Google Groups) to encourage participants to engage with the group! We look forward to seeing your revised Personalized Action Plans (due 9/30/24), along with more of your activity sharing and support soon at the Fall 2024 H5P Community Session!

View Archived H5P I Mua Status Updates 

Quicklinks & Resources

About the Program

What is the H5P I Mua Program?

H5P is an authoring tool that lets you create simple interactive content and activities like interactive videos, quizzes, games, presentations, and more. In 2021, University of Hawaiʻi created the H5P + Laulima program for new participants. With the continued growth and expansion of the UH H5P programs and pathways, there was a desire for an opportunity that allowed those who wanted to continue their involvement with UH H5P in a deeper capacity.

In 2023, the H5P I Mua program was created to allow alumni participants who successfully completed the H5P + Laulima cohort program to “i mua.” or move forward. The naming of the program aligns with the intention for alumni to advance forward and continue leveraging H5P, while also serving as a mentor and advocate for the UH H5P initiatives. This small hui (group) will each create personalized action plans to support and advocate for UH H5P programs and pathways in their new capacity as H5P I Mua participants.

Program Goals and Outcomes

Faculty/Staff across the UH system who have successfully completed the H5P + Laulima cohort program are invited to apply for the new H5P I Mua program, which provides participants with a UH H5P license in exchange for completion of program requirements. Program criteria, timeline, and expectations are shared below. Program participants will customize their individual contributions as part of the H5P I Mua program with the creation of a Personalized Action Plan in order to achieve the following program goals and outcomes:

  • Actively support and encourage/maintain engagement within the H5P + Laulima community (Google Groups).
  • Promote H5P as a teaching tool to improve quality of online education (e.g., alignment to CLOs/online education standards, student engagement, assessment, etc.).
  • Ensure effectiveness/value of H5P as a teaching and learning tool.
  • Contribute to the UH H5P programs and pathways through completion of the individual personalized I Mua action plan.

Who is this program for?

  • Participants who have successfully completed the H5P + Laulima cohort program. 
  • Faculty/staff with a genuine interest in sharing H5P experiences with colleagues across the UH System.
  • Advocates of UH H5P as a tool to support student engagement, active learning, etc.

Benefits of Participating

  • 1-year access to UH H5P License (with option to extend based on successful completion of program criteria).
  • Professional Development (digital badge if specific criteria are met).
  • Maintain access to the UH H5P + Laulima Community (Google Group).
  • Network and engage with colleagues across the UH system.
  • Stay updated with the latest H5P.com features and trends.
  • Recognition on the UH H5P website (name, campus, department/subject area, optional photo).

H5P Activities Created by H5P I Mua Participants

Take a look at some embedded samples below created by program participants using H5P. Or, to access the full repository from our UH H5P licensed users, visit the UH H5P Interactives Library page.

Want to submit your own H5P interactive(s) for public viewing and sharing? Submit your created activities using the H5P Interactives Library Submission Form.

Branching Scenario Example

Activity: HIST 152 Voyages of Exploration: Encounter, Exchange, Conflict
Explore the Carta Marina, the first detailed map of the Nordic countries by Swedish ecclesiastic Olaus Magnus from 1539 CE and create your own voyage of encounters, exchanges, and conflicts.

Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College

Interactive Video Example

Activity: Ka Hopena o Ka ʻĀnunu
This interactive video tests the learner’s understanding of context appropriate Hawaiian language words and allows students to improve comprehension of Hawaiian language through engagement in an interactive video. Nominated for Innovative Use of Multimedia category for the 2023 H5P Academy Awards.

Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa

Virtual Tour (360) Example

Activity: Reviewing Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
Activity shared during the Fall 2023 UH H5P Community Session.

Source: Coty Gonzales, Psychology, Honolulu Community College

Game Map Example

Activity: The Columbian Exchange
A game map activity where students have to answer multiple challenges in succession about The Columbian Exchange (Modern World History Ch 3: The Americas and Columbus)

Source: Patrick Patterson, Humanities and Social Sciences, Honolulu Community College

Timeline Example

Activity: Timeline Demo (Course Orientation Challenge) – Non-Traditional Use
A timeline (non-traditional use) demonstration of a course orientation with important introductory information and activities.

Source: Felicia Wun, Anthropology, Leeward Community College

2022-2023 H5P + Laulima Cohort applications now closed.

Please fill out the Interest Form (also linked to the button below) to be notified when new information about future cohorts is released.

H5P + Laulima Program Interest Form

2024-2025 H5P I Mua program applications now closed.

Please fill out the Interest Form (also linked to the button below) to be notified when new information about future cohorts is released.

UH H5P Interest Form

UH H5P Site Licenses

A paid annual site license option (via departmental funds) is also available for faculty/staff without participating in the H5P + LMS (formerly H5P + Laulima) program. Visit the UH H5P Site License page to learn more.

UH H5P Site License Page

2024-2025 H5P I Mua Program Applications Now Open!

Please fill out the application (also linked to the button below) to join this new pathway for alumni! Deadline to apply is Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Applicants will be notified by mid-May.

2024-2025 H5P I Mua Program Application

UH H5P Site Licenses

A paid annual site license option (via departmental funds) is also available for faculty/staff without participating in the H5P + Laulima program.

Visit the UH H5P Site License page to learn more.

UH H5P Site License Page

Looking for previous H5P I Mua Cohorts or other programs?

View the information and resources from previous cohorts, which are also located under Programs > Archived Programs from the main menu bar.

Or, view a high level summary of personalized UH H5P offerings for faculty/staff, which are also located under Programs from the main menu bar.

H5P + Laulima Program Feedback

Video Testimonials

Evaluation Feedback

I was excited to see how [H5P] could make my asynchronous course more engaging for the students. It was wonderful to easily embed the interactives in Laulima Lessons and linked with Laulima Gradebook.

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Pilot Participant 2021-2022 Pilot Cohort

This was such a great addition to my lab. I had already provided videos, images and websites to help students study Anatomy structures. But this was a much more active learning process for them that they found fun, easy to use and helpful in remembering structures. With the interactives, I was quickly able to assess studentʻs learning or participation. Previously, I would do reflection papers or some other type of reflection about learning on a certain topic to assess the students. These interactives saved both the student and me time and gave me data about a focused topic.

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Pilot Participant 2021-2022 Pilot Cohort

H5P activities seamlessly added a level of engagement to my online courses that did not exist before. I really hope that UH will subscribe to H5P for the long-term and that all faculty would have the opportunity to utilize H5P. Thank you for having this pilot!

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Pilot Participant 2021-2022 Pilot Cohort

Before using H5P I had a challenge in helping my physiology student study for anatomical structures since moving online. They no longer were able to go in person to study. So this was a great solution. Having a H5P activity that provided kinesthetic learning in addition to the traditional lecture and reading was much appreciated by students.

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Pilot Participant 2021-2022 Pilot Cohort

Having access to so many interactives made my courses fun for me (and hopefully, my students). I was looking for a way to gamify some aspects of the course to increase engagement and I think I succeeded!

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Pilot Participant 2021-2022 Pilot Cohort

I can place the interactives strategically in Laulima exactly when and where it is most useful. It’s also helpful for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. Students have mentioned they found them engaging and useful.

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Pilot Participant 2021-2022 Pilot Cohort

In the analytics H5P provides, I can see that in many cases students engage in multiple attempts to complete the tasks in the interactives. This is great considering that aspects of language acquisition, like vocabulary, require multiple exposures to words in a wide variety of contexts.

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Pilot Participant 2021-2022 Pilot Cohort

My goal was to help increase student engagement with the video lectures I provide for them. H5P allowed me to explore a variety of methods to accomplish this. 😀

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Pilot Participant 2021-2022 Pilot Cohort

Pack your patience! That’s my advice with anyone new to H5P. There were lots of boxes to check or uncheck, so many options and it was easy to get overwhelmed at first.. However, once you get the hang of it, it is sooooooo cool!

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Pilot Participant 2021-2022 Pilot Cohort

Students did better on quizzes and projects because the H5P interactives allowed students to practice what they learned and provided "scaffolding" type of preparation for assignments.

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Pilot Participant 2021-2022 Pilot Cohort

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

These FAQs (Google Doc) were created for UH faculty/staff interested in joining one of the UH H5P Programs or Pathways. Please note that this is a working document and the content continues to be revised based upon the most recent updates.

2024-2025 H5P I Mua Program Participants

Applications are underway for the 2024-2025 cohort. Accepted participants will be announced in early June.

The following faculty and staff from across the UH system have volunteered to participate as part of the 2024-2025 H5P I Mua program!

H5P I Mua Program Support

Mahalo nui to the instructional designers and ITS staff across the UH system who have collaborated to advocate and support this program. If you are a cohort participant needing support, please contact the UH H5P  Community (Google Groups).