H5P Interactives Library
H5P offers a large selection of examples and downloads of its various content types. See below for some activities created by our UH faculty and staff across the system! Navigate to specific content types using the menu below.
Note: This page is an evolving work in progress as part of the H5P + Laulima Program. As more interactives become available, the page will be updated and the layout of this page may change.
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Note for anyone who might have seen this before I (JZ) share about this. The menu buttons below is the revamped version I was previously talking about where adding new buttons for new content types can be done by dragging and dropping them. It also makes it easier to transfer the gradient colors and various styles by right clicking to copy then selecting the paste style option.
Below are the master row for copying and pasting the gradient color styles
Activity: NREM 203 Office Hours
An accordion example of office hours from Monday to Friday for the Natural Resource and Environmental Management (NREM) faculty.
Uses: N/A
Source: Mahealani Kaneshiro, Natural Resources and Environmental Management (NREM), UH Mānoa
Activity: Substitute Teaching – Defining Professional Behavior
This interactive is meant to help students think critically about a common scenario in the substitute teaching classroom.
Uses: This activity is not graded in the course, but provides students interested in becoming substitute teachers different scenarios and the realistic outcomes as a result of choosing certain actions.
Source: UH Mānoa College of Education (COE) Substitute Teacher Course
Activity: HIST 152 Voyages of Exploration: Encounter, Exchange, Conflict
Explore the Carta Marina, the first detailed map of the Nordic countries by Swedish ecclesiastic Olaus Magnus from 1539 CE and create your own voyage of encounters, exchanges, and conflicts.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: Substitute Teaching – Defining Professional Behavior
This interactive is meant to help students think critically about a common scenario in the substitute teaching classroom.
Uses: This activity is not graded in the course, but provides students interested in becoming substitute teachers different scenarios and the realistic outcomes as a result of choosing certain actions.
Source: UH Mānoa College of Education (COE) Substitute Teacher Course
Activity: HOST 150 – Chapter 1
Students will go through a set of slides, some that covers content and others that require interaction.
Uses: N/A
Source: Kawehi Sellers, Hospitality and Tourism (HOST), Kapiʻolani Community College
Activity: Math – Measures of Position
This interactive course presentations was created for a MATH 100 (5-week) online course.
Uses: The interactive creates a more engaging and fun learning environment Students are encouraged to go through each presentation and complete all the included activities, which are part of the course grade. Students receive appropriate points depending on the percentage of the correct answers.
Source: Jiajia Garcia
Activity: Math – Union of Sets
This interactive course presentations was created for a MATH 100 (5-week) online course.
Uses: The interactive creates a more engaging and fun learning environment Students are encouraged to go through each presentation and complete all the included activities, which are part of the course grade. Students receive appropriate points depending on the percentage of the correct answers.
Source: Jiajia Garcia
Activity: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Innervation
Complete the crossword activity by reading the clues and writing the appropriate term related to Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Innervation.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Science (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Thyroid, Parathyroid Glands and Pancreas
Complete the crossword activity by reading the clues and writing the appropriate term related to the thyroid, parathyroid glands and pancreas.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Science (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Foundations for Chemistry
Complete the crossword activity by reading the clues and writing the appropriate terms related to the fundamentals of chemistry.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Science (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Review of Cells
Complete the crossword review activity by reading the clues and writing the appropriate terms related to cells.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Science (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Palavras cruzadas: As viagens
Learners read the definitions and complete the crossword puzzle with words and expressions related to travel.
Uses: Practice the use of Portuguese in different applications.
Source: Rachel Mamiya Hernandez, Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas (LLEA), UH Mānoa
Activity: Cranial Nerves
Complete the crossword activity by reading the clues and writing the appropriate term related to cranial nerves.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Science (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Cardiac Cycle
Complete the crossword activity by reading the clues and writing the appropriate term related to the Cardiac Cycle.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Science (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Foundations for Bone Tissue
Complete the crossword activity by reading the clues and writing the appropriate terms related to bone tissue.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Science (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Vision
Complete the crossword activity by reading the clues and writing the appropriate terms related to vision.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Science (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Social Psychology
A brief crossword puzzle for introductory psychology students to use to help review terms from the social psychology chapter.
Uses: N/A
Source: Coty Gonzales, Psychology, Honolulu Community College
Dialogue Cards
Activity: Regions of the Human Body
In this activity, learners will view various bodily structures, and identify the specific names of the corresponding anatomical region of the human body.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Science (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Substitute Teacher Course – Problem-Based Scenario Dialogue Cards
This interactive is meant as a study aide to help students think critically about a common scenario in the substitute teaching classroom. This content type is the more common form of “flashcards.”
Uses: This activity is not graded in the course, but provides learners with different scenarios and their corresponding outcomes.
Source: UH COE Substitute Teacher Course
Activity: HIST 151 Primary Source Quotes – Who Said It?
Students will engage in the task of pairing renowned historical quotes with the notable figures who said them.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: Examining the Success of the Mauryan Empire
This activity enables learners to assess their understanding of the events preceding the triumph of the Mauryan Empire.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Drag and Drop
Activity: What Do All the Produce Linked to Outbreaks Have in Common?
Learners will determine the commonalities among FDA outbreaks linked to produce contamination.
Uses: N/A
Source: Daniela Elliott, Math and Sciences (MS), Leeward Community College
Activity: HIST 151 – Practice Correlating the First Emperor Qin Shihuangdi’s Actions for the Hypothetical Scenario Report
Identify and correlate inscriptions from the First Emperor Qin Shihuangdi to David Malo and Kautilya’s words of advice and the 3 Main Functions of Government in Complex Society.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: HIST 151 – Correlating the 3 Main Functions of Government in Complex Society to the First Emperor Qin’s Actions
Correlate the 3 main functions of government in Complex Society to The First Emperor Qin’s actions attributed to him, as written on the Stone Inscription.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: HIST 151 – Ancient Sparta & Athens Primary Source Evidence
Identify the unique characteristics of Ancient Sparta and Ancient Athens based on primary sources pieces of evidence.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: What Do All the Produce Linked to Outbreaks Have in Common?
Identify the commonalities among FDA outbreaks linked to produce contamination.
Uses: N/A
Source: Daniela Elliott, Math and Sciences (MS), Leeward Community College
Activity: HIST 152 – Identifying the Characteristics of the Age of Anxiety
Identify the sequence of important events during the Age of Anxiety.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: Human Nutrition – Identify the Organs
Custom drag and drop activity designed to test user’s knowledge in identifying major components of human organ system
Uses: This interactive is integrated within the Human Nutrition OER textbook.
Activity: Substitute Teacher Course – Problem-Based Scenario Flashcards
This interactive is meant as a study aide to help students compare/contrast the evolution of teaching and learning.
Uses: This activity allows learners a review of their prior knowledge.
Source: UH COE Substitute Teacher Course
Activity: Hawaiian Language – Nā Manu (Birds)
Learners will master the names of Native Hawaiian birds by correctly dragging names on to images.
Uses: Drag and drop exercise checking student understanding of native Hawaiian bird names by matching names to images. Practice ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language) through engagement in different types of activities and contexts.
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Activity: HIST 151 Correlating the 3 Main Functions of Government in Complex Society to The First Emperor Qin’s Actions
This interactive allows students to practice correlating specific actions of the First Emperor Qin Shihuangdi to the main functions of government in complex society. Students need to decide which specific action best fits which specific main function of government. Students also are reminded of what they read in their primary source reading on the First Emperor Qin as some of the actions are direct quotes from the reading.
Uses: This interactive helps prepare students for a written explanation quiz question which asks them to assess how well the First Emperor Qin fulfilled the 3 main functions of government in complex society.
Source: Malia Lau Kong, HIST151, Windward Community College
Activity: Anatomy & Physiology – Brain Structures 2
Uses: This activity helps students with active learning of anatomy and physiology structures such as Bone, Muscle, and Nervous System structures.
Source: Janet Wang-Lee, Math & Science, Leeward Community College
Activity: Anatomy & Physiology – Hand Bones
Uses: This activity helps students with active learning of anatomy and physiology structures such as Bone, Muscle, and Nervous System structures.
Source: Janet Wang-Lee, Math & Science, Leeward Community College
Activity: Anatomy & Physiology – Tibia and Fibula
Uses: This activity helps students with active learning of anatomy and physiology structures such as Bone, Muscle, and Nervous System structures.
Source: Janet Wang-Lee, Math & Science, Leeward Community College
Activity: Parts of the Nervous System
This drag and drop activity to helps students distinguish between the different parts of the human nervous system. Image used is from Psychology 2e by Openstax.
Uses: N/A
Source: Coty Gonzales, Psychology, Honolulu Community College
Activity: Earth Science – The World’s Oceans
This drag and drop interactive helps students recall the locations of Earth’s various oceans.
Uses: Students will use this activity to show they know where the different oceans are on Earth.
Source: Michelle Nathan, Natural Sciences, Honolulu Community College
Activity: HIST 152 – Assessing the French Revolution
This activity helps learners identify the sequence of important events during the French Revolution.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: HIST 152 – Identifying Characteristics of the Transformation of Japan
Review the characteristics of the Transformation of Japan and sort them into their matching categories.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: HIST 151 – Understanding Kautilya’s Advice
Read Kautilya’s theoretical advice and match the inferences in meaning to each piece of advice.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: HIST 151 – Understanding David Malo’s Advice
Read David Malo’s theoretical advice and match the inferences in meaning to each piece of advice.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: HIST 152 – Assessing the French Revolution
Identify the sequence of important events during the French Revolution.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: HIST 152 – Comparing and Contrasting Hawai’i and Japan
Identify the similarities and differences between the societies of Hawai’i and Japan during the Age of Foreign Contact.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: HIST 152 – Who Said It? Primary Source Quotes
Learners will read famous historical quotes and match them with the important historical figure.
Uses: N/A
Source: Malia Lau Kong, Humanities, Windward Community College
Activity: Human Nutrition – Calculate the BMI
Review the ability to calculate the BMI and identify the correct category of body weight
Uses: This interactive is integrated within an OER Human Nutrition textbook.
Activity: Human Nutrition – Calculate the BMI
Drag and drop exercise testing student knowledge of foods and their corresponding minerals.
Uses: This interactive is integrated within the Human Nutrition OER textbook.
Activity: Hawaiian Language – Nā Pua (Flowers)
Learners will master the names of Native Hawaiian flowers by correctly dragging names on to images.
Uses: Drag and drop exercise checking student understanding of native Hawaiian flower names by matching names to images. Practice ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language) through engagement in different types of activities and contexts.
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Activity: Geography of Hawaiʻi – Name the eight islands of Hawaiʻi
Match the name of the island to the appropriate island on the map of the islands of Hawaiʻi.
Uses: N/A
Source: Gloria Niles, Office of Distance Learning, UH West Oʻahu; Anuhea Piliere, Academic Support Specialist, Kauaʻi Community College
Activity: Anatomy & Physiology – Skull Bones 2
Uses: This activity helps students with active learning of anatomy and physiology structures such as Bone, Muscle, and Nervous System structures.
Source: Janet Wang-Lee, Math & Science, Leeward Community College
Activity: Anatomy & Physiology – Ear Structures 2
Uses: This activity helps students with active learning of anatomy and physiology structures such as Bone, Muscle, and Nervous System structures.
Source: Janet Wang-Lee, Math & Science, Leeward Community College
Activity: Anatomy & Physiology – Forearm – Anterior/Palmside
Uses: This activity helps students with active learning of anatomy and physiology structures such as Bone, Muscle, and Nervous System structures.
Source: Janet Wang-Lee, Math & Science, Leeward Community College
Activity: Anatomy & Physiology – Lower Leg Anterior and Lateral
Uses: This activity helps students with active learning of anatomy and physiology structures such as Bone, Muscle, and Nervous System structures.
Source: Janet Wang-Lee, Math & Science, Leeward Community College
Activity: Spanish 101 – Learning Check C2-4
This drag and drop interactive was used as a quick vocabulary learning check for students in online Spanish 101 classes.
Uses: N/A
Source: Rachel Mamiya Hernandez, Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas (LLEA), UH Mānoa
Activity: Spanish 101 – Learning Check C2-4
This drag and drop interactive was used as a quick vocabulary learning check for students in online Spanish 101 classes.
Uses: N/A
Source: Rachel Mamiya Hernandez, Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas (LLEA), UH Mānoa
Drag the Words
Activity: Conduction System of the Heart
Read the passage about the conduction system of the heart and use context clues to drag the scientific terms from the word list into their appropriate spots.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Sciences (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Coronary Circulation
Read the passage about coronary circulation and use context clues to drag the scientific terms from the word list into their appropriate spots.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Sciences (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Bone Markings
Read the passage about bone markings and use context clues to drag the scientific terms from the word list into their appropriate spots.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Sciences (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: CSF Circulation:
Read the passage about Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation and use context clues to drag the scientific terms from the word list into their appropriate spots.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Sciences (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Hawaiian Language – Nā Waihoʻoluʻu (Colors)
Learners will master colors by matching the color to the flower.
Uses: Practice ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language) through engagement in different types of activities and contexts.
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Activity: Fill-in Regions of the Pacific
There are three regions in the Pacific, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia, In this activity, students must drag the region name to the correct position in the sentence.
Uses: N/A
Source: Tracie Losch, Arts & Humanities, Hawaiian Studies, Leeward Community College
Activity: Hawaiian Studies – Geography of Hawaiʻi – Names of the Channels Connecting the Hawaiian Islands
This matching interactive helps students recall the names of the channels that connect the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago.
Uses: N/A
Source: Kaeo Kaleoaloha, Kūlana Hawaiʻi, Honolulu Community College
Activity: Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation
Read the passage about pulmonary and systemic circulation and use context clues to drag the scientific terms from the word list into their appropriate spots.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Sciences (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Lymphatic Structures
Read the passage about lymphatic structures and use context clues to drag the scientific terms from the word list into their appropriate spots.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Sciences (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Action Potential
Read the passage about action potential and use context clues to drag the scientific terms from the word list into their appropriate spots.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Sciences (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Muscles
Read the passage about skeletal muscles and use context clues to drag the scientific terms from the word list into their appropriate spots.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Sciences (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Computer Architecture
Students read an article and then drag terms to where they belong in that article.
Uses: Check for understanding to ensure students have completed the reading assignment.
Source: Bill Wright, Mathematics and Science, Leeward Community College; Brent Hirata, Educational Technology (Educational Media Center), Leeward Community College.
Emoji Cloud
Activity: Environmental Science – Emoji Cloud Presentation
This emoji cloud activity allows students to choose an emoji that aligns with their desired response based on the prompt question given.
Uses: This activity enables students to visually express their feelings on the progress of their research for a presentation. Students are able to see other students’ answers after submitting their own.
Source: Pamela Scheffler, Math and Natural Sciences, Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Insert title
Insert description
Uses: Insert uses description
Source: Insert source or credit
Activity: A Vida De Estudante Na UH – Parte 2
In this interactive learners develop their presentational communication skills by writing an email responding to Gabriel and answering the questions he asked them (see A vida de estudante na UH- Parte 1).
Uses: Practice the use of Portuguese through different activities and contexts.
Source: Rachel Mamiya Hernandez, Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas (LLEA), UH Mānoa
Activity: Insert title
Insert description
Uses: Insert uses description
Source: Insert source or credit
Fill in the Blanks
Activity: Epidermis Strata
Learners will fill in the missing words of the passage pertaining to the epidermis strata.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lissandra Baldan Jenkins, Math and Natural Sciences (MS), Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Hawaiian Language – Nā Manu (Birds) Fill in the Blanks
Learners will type the correct native bird for each sentence.
Uses: Practice ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language) through engagement in different types of activities and contexts.
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Activity: Explorations – Transient Accommodations Tax
This activity requires students to complete internet research on current facts about Hawaii’s Transient Accommodations Tax and complete the fill in the blank activity.
Uses: N/A
Source: Amy Shiroma, Hospitality and Tourism (HOST), Kapiʻolani Community College
Activity: Human Nutrition – Food Quality
Flashcard review of vocabulary terms related to food quality.
Uses: This interactive is integrated within an OER Human Nutrition textbook.
Activity: RBC and Platelet Maturation
This flashcards interactive helps medical technology students learn about red blood cell morphologies (RBC) to assist with determining disease states.
Uses: The activity is used for Technology majors in MEDT 451 to learn more about Hematology.
Source: Sheri Gon, Medical Technology, UH Mānoa
Activity: White Blood Cell Anomalies
This flashcards interactive helps medical technology students learn about white cell anomalies to assist with determining disease states.
Uses: This activity is used for Technology majors in MEDT 451 to learn more about Hematology.
Source: Sheri Gon, Medical Technology, UH Mānoa
Activity: Animal Anatomy; Reproductive Anatomy – Female Reproductive Tract
This flash card interactive helps students identify the structures that comprise the female reproductive tract.
Uses: Students use these to review material and demonstrate competency before leaving the in person lab session.
Source: Jenee Odani, Human Nutrition, Food & Animal Sciences (HNFAS), UH Mānoa
Activity: Human Nutrition – Major Minerals
Flashcard knowledge check of types of major minerals.
Uses: This interactive is integrated within an OER Human Nutrition textbook.
Activity: White Blood Cell Morphology
This flashcards interactive helps medical technology students learn about white blood cell morphologies to assist with determining disease states.
Uses: The activity is used for Technology majors in MEDT 451 to learn more about Hematology.
Source: Sheri Gon, Medical Technology, UH Mānoa
Activity: Anatomy and Physiology – Functional Anatomy – Superficial muscles of the antebrachium
This flash card interactive helps students with identifying the muscles of the anterior forearm using mnemonics.
Uses: N/A
Source: Allison Beale, Math and Sciences, Leeward Community College
Activity: Animal Anatomy; Reproductive Anatomy – Male Reproductive System
This flash card interactive helps students identify the structures that comprise the male reproductive system.
Uses: Students use these to review material and demonstrate competency before leaving the in person lab session.
Source: Jenee Odani, Human Nutrition, Food & Animal Sciences (HNFAS), UH Mānoa
Activity: Japanese – Typing Quiz 1 Hiragana & Katakana
This flashcard activity is used to help learners distinguish between Japanese hiragana and katakana.
Uses: N/A
Source: Lisa Kobuke, Languages, Linguistics and Literature, Kapiʻolani Community College
Activity: The Columbian Exchange
A game map activity where students have to answer multiple challenges in succession about The Columbian Exchange (Modern World History Ch 3: The Americas and Columbus)
Uses: N/A
Source: Patrick Patterson, Humanities and Social Sciences, Honolulu Community College
Activity: Insert title
Insert description
Uses: Insert uses description
Source: Insert source or credit
Guess the Answer
Activity: Hawaiian Language – He aha kēia? (What is this?)
Identify the nouns based on the images shown and reveal the answer once you are ready.
Uses: While working in groups, learners can discuss and determine correct name of various nouns.
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Activity: Insert title
Insert description
Uses: Insert uses description
Source: Insert source or credit
Image Choice
Activity: Hawaiian Language – Nā Holoholona a me Nā Iʻa: Image Choice
Learners will understand Hawaiian language by correctly identifying dwelling areas of animals and fish.
Uses: Image choice exercise designed to check student understanding of the given prompt based on their choice of animal dwelling images while learning ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language).
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Activity: Hawaiian Language – Nā Holoholona a me Nā Iʻa: Image Choice
Learners will understand Hawaiian language by correctly identifying the aliʻi wahine (female Hawaiian royals).
Uses: Image choice exercise designed to check student understanding of the given prompt based on their choice of image portraits while learning ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language).
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Image Hotspots
Activity: Cultural Regions of the Pacific
An interactive map that shows the three regions of the Pacific: Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.
Uses: N/A
Source: Tracie Losch, Arts & Humanities, Hawaiian Studies, Leeward Community College
Activity: Early Childhood Education – Playground Safety
This is image hotspot interactive provides information on what to look for to ensure a safe playground environment.
Uses: N/A
Source: Ann Abeshima, Early Childhood Education, Honolulu Community College
Image Sequencing
Activity: E Hoʻokaʻina – 1
Students are to correctly place images in order according to the sequencing directions.
Uses: N/A
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Interactive Video
Activity: Module 1 Interactive Video: Individualism v. Collectivism
Watch the interactive video and answer the corresponding questions about the differences between individualism and collectivism.
Uses: N/A
Source: Ashley Biddle, Social Sciences, Leeward Community College
Activity: Interactive Video: Correlation Explained
Watch the interactive video and answer the corresponding questions about the basics of correlation.
Uses: N/A
Source: Ashley Biddle, Social Sciences, Leeward Community College
Activity: Hospitality & Tourism Education – Takeaways in Two Minutes
This interactive video summarizes the main takeaways of the Theme Parks and Attractions (Chapter 11).
Uses: The Takeaways in Two Minutes are short summary videos made for each chapter. Students answer incremental questions to ensure they are understanding some of the chapterʻs main points. Plus, the interactive nature (and the inability to skip through the video) keeps them engaged in the content.
Source: Kawehi Sellers, Hospitality & Tourism (HOST), Kapiʻolani Community College
Activity: Hawaiian Culture – HĀ: Hawaiʻi (HĀ: Breath Video Series, v6)
Learn how UHWO students strengthen their sense of belonging with the HA framework (Nā Hopena A’o).
Uses: This interactive video was creating using one of six videos from this YouTube playlist by Anuhea Piliere. Hawaiian translations of terms used were inserted as clickable elements periodically throughout the videos, and additional resources were linked for users to learn more.
Source: Char Hopela, Office of Distance Learning, UH West Oʻahu; Anuhea Piliere, Academic Support Specialist, Kauaʻi Community College
Activity: Hawaiian Language – E Make Nō Paha
Learners will understand context appropriate Hawaiian language words by watching a short animation video about a frog in a dissection lab.
Uses: This interactive video test the students understanding context appropriate Hawaiian language words and allows students to practice ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language) through engagement in different types of activities and contexts.
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Activity: Hawaiian Language – Ka Hopena o ka ʻĀnunu
Learners will understand context appropriate Hawaiian language words by watching a short video of a birdʻs exploration through a city.
Uses: This interactive video test the students understanding context appropriate Hawaiian language words and allows students to practice ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language) through engagement in different types of activities and contexts.
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Activity: Explorations – Exclusive Private Clubs
This video accompanies a chapter on private club management and highlights exclusive private clubs around the world. The interactive video activity reviews key characteristics of each highlighted private club.
Uses: N/A
Source: Amy Shiroma, Hospitality and Tourism (HOST), Kapiʻolani Community College
Activity: 101_01: E Ola Ka ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi
E Ola Ka ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi celebrates the efforts of a people determined to save their native tongue from the brink of extinction. This activity quizzes students on a video sharing the efforts to revitalize the Hawaiian language. Students are will watch the video and complete activity prompts throughout.
Uses: N/A
Source: Kuʻulei Kanahele, Humanities/Hawaiʻi Life Styles, Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Día de Muertos
This interactive video helps Spanish 101 students build cultural knowledge about Día de Muertos celebrations in Mexico.
Uses: The activity was used in both F2F and online classes with the instructor guiding students through the questions as they appeared in the video.
Source: Rachel Mamiya Hernandez, Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas (LLEA), UH Mānoa
Activity: Environmental Science – Quick Facts
An introduction for students during the first week of class on taking an embedded quiz via the interactive video.
Uses: This activity gives student a chance to practice using interactive video embedded quizzes as an alternative activity to lecture quizzes, while also sharing some environmental science-related current events/facts.
Source: Pamela Scheffler, Math and Natural Sciences, Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Human Development and Family Studies – Waimanalo Family Resource Center
This interactive video takes viewers on a virtual tour of a family resource center. As the video progresses, the students will learn about the different departments and services the FRC provides to community families through questions and statements.
Uses: N/A
Source: Rheta Kuwahawa, Family and Consumer Sciences, UH Mānoa
Activity: Nursing – Atrium Oasis: Dry Suction Water Seal Chest Drainage System
This interactive video incorporates knowledge check questions to help prepare nursing students to care for patients with chest tubes.
Uses: N/A
Source: Ruthie Clearwater and Jackie Thomas, Allied Health – Nursing, UH Maui College
Mark the Words
Activity: Ka Laupapa Aloha
Learners will identify native Hawaiian fish in a short story in Hawaiian language.
Uses: Practice ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language) through engagement in different types of activities and contexts.
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Activity: Human Development and Family Studies – Waimanalo Family Resource Center
This interactive video takes viewers on a virtual tour of a family resource center. As the video progresses, the students will learn about the different departments and services the FRC provides to community families through questions and statements.
Uses: N/A
Source: Rheta Kuwahawa, Family and Consumer Sciences, UH Mānoa
Memory Game
Activity: Match the Bones
Learners will challenge their memory and understanding of human anatomy by pairing body parts with their corresponding bones.
Uses: N/A
Source: Susan Jaworowski, Business, Legal, and Technology (BLT), Kapiʻolani Community College
Activity: Associe a palavra com a imagem
This is a memory game that helps learners associate the word with its corresponding image in Portuguese. It also provides mutlimodal support with the audio for the word playing when it is clicked on.
Uses: N/A
Source: Rachel Mamiya Hernandez, Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas (LLEA), UH Mānoa
Activity: Hawaiian Language – Nā Manu (Birds): Memory Cards
Learners will master the names of Native Hawaiian birds by correctly matching images.
Uses: Memory game designed to familiarize names of native Hawaiian birds to their appearance while practicing ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language).
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Activity: Hawaiian Language – Nā Iʻa (Fish): Memory Cards
Learners will master the names of Native Hawaiian fish by correctly matching images.
Uses: Memory game designed to familiarize names of native Hawaiian fish to their appearance while practicing ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language).
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Multiple Choice
Activity: What is FSMA Produce Safety Rule?
Knowledge check for the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
Uses: This activity is one example of a set of questions created for a 8-week course on produce safety.
Source: Daniela Elliott, Math and Sciences (MS), Leeward Community College
Activity: Nursing – Atrium Oasis: Dry Suction Water Seal Chest Drainage System
This interactive video incorporates knowledge check questions to help prepare nursing students to care for patients with chest tubes.
Uses: N/A
Source: Ruthie Clearwater and Jackie Thomas, Allied Health – Nursing, UH Maui College
Activity: Produce Safety – Week 2_Worker training
This multiple choice question covers why agricultural workers are an important piece of produce safety for a farm.
Uses: This activity is one example of a set of questions created for a 8-week course on produce safety.
Source: Daniela Elliott, Math & Sciences (MS), Leeward Community College
Activity: What is FSMA Produce Safety Rule?
Knowledge check for the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
Uses: This activity is one example of a set of questions created for a 8-week course on produce safety.
Source: Daniela Elliott, Math and Sciences (MS), Leeward Community College
Quiz (Question Set)
Activity: MCEE – Check Your Knowledge
This question set is used to help future educators better understand and apply the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE).
Uses: N/A
Source: Ronnie Tiffany-Kinder, Institute for Teacher Education (ITE), UH Mānoa
Activity: Explorations – 2022 State of the Cruise Industry Outlook
Students review a published report on the State of the Cruise Industry from the Cruise Lines International Association and answer the question set activity.
Uses: N/A
Source: Amy Shiroma, Hospitality and Tourism (HOST), Kapiʻolani Community College
Activity: Microbiology – Eukaryotic cell structure
This Quiz (Question Set) interactive helps students identify the animal cell structures with the use of drag and drop activities.
Uses: An ungraded learning activity to help students practice their understanding of animal cell structures.
Source: Hsin-I Tong, Natural Science, Honolulu Community College
Single Choice Set
Activity: Module 4: Groupthink Scenarios
Read the scenarios and select the best answer for each one based on the concept of groupthink.
Uses: N/A
Source: Ashley Biddle, Social Sciences, Leeward Community College
Sort the Paragraphs
Activity: Module 4: Forming Groups
Review the five phases of forming groups and arrange them in sequential order.
Uses: N/A
Source: Ashley Biddle, Social Sciences, Leeward Community College
Activity: Nossa viagem a Moçambique
Students read through the text about a trip to Moçambique then place the events in order. It also models past narration for them.
Uses: This interactive helps students work on their interpretive communication skills. They
Source: Rachel Mamiya Hernandez, Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas (LLEA), UH Mānoa
Activity: A Vida De Estudante Na UH – Parte 1
In this interactive learners develop their interpretive communication skills by reading an email from Gabriel, a Brazilian student who will be coming to study at UH Mānoa. For the first part of this activity, they must put his email in a logical order.
Uses: Practice the use of Portuegese in different applications.
Source: Rachel Mamiya Hernandez, Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas (LLEA), UH Mānoa
Activity: Infant and Toddler Milestones: Descriptions
Descriptions of typically developing infants and toddlers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website are listed. Students sort each description [paragraph] in chronological order from youngest to oldest.
Uses: Memory game designed to familiarize names of native Hawaiian birds to their appearance while practicing ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language).
Source: Rheta Kuwahara, College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources (CTAHR), UH Mānoa
The Chase
Activity: Norway Trivia
Learners will compete against other users to test their knowledge of Norwegian trivia.
Uses: Knowledge check with gamification elements including the ability to compete with others.
Source: Sample activity shared by H5P/Joubel support representative Siv-Hege Blikfeldt
Activity: Timeline Demo (Writing Systems) – Traditional Use
A timeline demonstration of the writing systems of ancient civilizations.
Uses: N/A
Source: Felicia Wun, Anthropology, Leeward Community College
Activity: The Mata Case
This timeline activity explains the sequential events that occurred during the Mata Case in New York.
Uses: N/A
Source: Susan Jaworowski, Business, Legal, and Technology (BLT), Kapiʻolani Community College
Activity: Timeline Demo (Course Orientation Challenge) – Non-Traditional Use
A timeline (non-traditional use) demonstration of a course orientation with important introductory information and activities.
Uses: N/A
Source: Felicia Wun, Anthropology, Leeward Community College
True/False Question
Activity: FSMA Produce Exemptions
This true/false activity helps learners accurately determine produce exemptions from the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
Uses: N/A
Source: Daniela Elliott, Math and Sciences (MS), Leeward Community College
Activity: Hawaiian Language – Ka Hana Ma Kai (Working in the ocean)
Learners will preview an image and a question, then will determine if the question referencing the image is correct or not.
Uses: N/A
Source: Kahealani Lono, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, UH Mānoa
Activity: FSMA Produce Exemptions 2
This true/false activity helps learners accurately determine produce exemptions from the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
Uses: N/A
Source: Daniela Elliott, Math and Sciences (MS), Leeward Community College
Virtual Tour (360)
Activity: Sample Virtual Tour 360: A Journey into Freud’s Life and Mind
Sample activity created for the Fall 2023 UH H5P Community Session. All content was created with the use of generative AI tools.
Uses: N/A
Source: Marisa Dionne, UH Online Innovation Center, UH System
Activity: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina – Hawaiian Archipelago (Hawaiian Geography)
This tour provides learners with images and facts about the flora and fauna of the Hawaiian Archipelago.
Uses: N/A
Source: Allyson Ota, Learning Design and Technology, College of Education, UH Mānoa
Activity: Reviewing Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
Sample activity created for the Fall 2023 UH H5P Community Session.
Uses: N/A
Source: Coty Gonzalez, Psychology, Honolulu Community College
Activity: Touring China – Famous Buddha Statues (Chinese History/Religion)
Learners are provided with facts, videos and 360 views of two Chinese sites with giant Buddha statues.
Uses: N/A
Source: Yugang Zhou, Learning Design and Technology, College of Education, UH Mānoa
Word Cloud
Activity: Environmental Science – Group Project Word Cloud
This activity prompts students to select one of the choices given (instead of the traditional open-ended response) and the results are shown in a word cloud format.
Uses: The activity asks students how they felt about the group project.
Source: Pamela Scheffler, Math and Natural Sciences, Hawaiʻi Community College
Activity: Touring China – Famous Buddha Statues (Chinese History/Religion)
Learners are provided with facts, videos and 360 views of two Chinese sites with giant Buddha statues.
Uses: N/A
Source: Yugang Zhou, Learning Design and Technology, College of Education, UH Mānoa