
A Spoonful of Sugar: How to Bring the Element of Fun (and Engagement) to Your Online Courses! Webinar Resources

Mahalo for joining the A Spoonful of Sugar: How to Bring the Element of Fun (and Engagement) to Your Online Courses! Webinar on March 22nd!  Great ideas for student engagement were shared by the participants – we collected them in a word cloud below:

What strategies have you used or experienced that successfully combined fun and engagement with learning?  Kahoot! Scavenger Hunts, Flipgrid, Role Play, Music, GIFs, Memes, Quizlet, Playdoh, puzzles, Online Jeopardy, Eggspert Kit, Active Learning Groups, Bingo, Exercise breaks, scenarios, video clips, interactive crosswords, personal stories of strategies that worked or failed, screenwriting, label reading with their home foods, Q&A, Polling, students enjoy my dumb jokes, find lyrics related to topic challenge.
A word cloud image of an umbrella containing various participants’ engagement strategies.

We would like to thank all the guest presenters and participants for joining us. You’ll find the webinar recording and a link to the presentation slides on the event’s page. Please contact us via the uhoic@hawaii.edu if you have any questions.  Aloha!

A Spoonful of Sugar: How to Bring the Element of Fun (and Engagement) to Your Online Courses! Webinar Resources Read More »

Laulima v20 Upgrade Updates and Webinar information!

Guess what? You may have heard that Laulima will be getting a bit of a facelift later this month! The learning management system will be upgraded to version 20.4 on December 26, 2021. This upgrade will contain some tool enhancements that may help streamline your online teaching and course site management. Your long-awaited features like batch date manager and Assignments document viewer are finally coming soon! 

The UH Instructional Design Professional Learning Community (PLC) will be hosting the Laulima v20 Upgrade and Tips for Instruction webinar to showcase some new features and updates for Laulima (e.g., date manager, in-line grading within assignments) that will be rolled out with the version upgrade. We encourage all faculty and staff currently using Laulima to attend this webinar to familiarize with the upgrade and ask any questions you may have. Please see the webinar information below:

Date: Friday, Jan. 14, 2022
Time: 10-11 a.m.
Registration: http://go.hawaii.edu/ESV

We encourage all faculty and staff currently using Laulima to attend this webinar to familiarize with the upgrade and ask any questions you may have.

Laulima v20 Upgrade Updates and Webinar information! Read More »

Work Smarter (not Harder) with Google Docs Webinar Resources Added

The Work Smarter (not Harder) with Google Doc webinar on Nov. 9th was well received. We had a great turnout (142 attendees), with faculty, staff, and presenters engaged in lively conversations throughout all of the breakout rooms! There was something for everyone in the various sessions!

Mahalo to the instructional designers across the UH system who collaborated to co-host this webinar!

You will be able to find the webinar resources, including a Youtube playlist with the breakout room recordings and a link to the presentation slides on the event page.

Work Smarter (not Harder) with Google Docs Webinar Resources Added Read More »

Faculty Spotlight

Learn online tips and tricks, strategies, solutions from these spotlighted faculty across the system who continuously find ways to engage their students and innovate their online courses! Watch their presentations from the UHOIC Webinar: Building Empathy and Strengthening Online Community with Students.

Coty Gonzalez

Coty Gonzalez

  • Psychology Instructor
  • Campus: Honolulu CC

Coty incorporates Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in his online course by providing multiple ways to express or demonstrate their learning.

Watch his Presentation (19:11).

Anika Gearhart

Anika Gearhart

  • Psychology Instructor
  • Campus: Leeward CC

Anika emphasizes the importance of empathy and community building in online courses using tools such as Padlet.

Watch her Presentation (13:14).

Susan Wood

Susan Wood

  • Professor of English
  • Campus: Leeward CC

Susan builds instructor presence and community in her online course through focused virtual office hours, frequent announcements, and peer review.

Watch her Presentation (39:57).

Share With Us!

Are you interested in sharing your online or blended/hybrid experiences with other faculty? Is there a colleague whom you would like to recommend as a faculty spotlight for their innovative and engaging teaching strategies? Please email your full name, email, and short message to uhoic@hawaii.edu and we will contact you!

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