Student Guide to Learning Online

Orientation to Online Learning

UH Online would like to offer an opportunity that might be of interest to you - a free online learning orientation. We are excited for you to join our 'ohana and want to prepare you with the necessary skills to be a successful online student. This orientation provides you with a preview of an online class so that you can become familiar with distance learning through the University of Hawaiʻi. The readings, videos, and activities are all designed to explain the basics of online learning. You will also learn about expectations, self-management strategies, features of Laulima, and connecting with campus and system resources.

The orientation usually takes students between 1-2 hours to complete depending on your comfort level with technology and reading speed. You can access the orientation content 24/7 at your own convenience. It is highly suggested you complete the orientation before taking your first online course.

If you are interested in accessing the orientation, please complete the UH Online Orientation Registration Form. For questions about the orientation, contact us.